About Roth Law:
Business owners know that it takes hard work and dedication to make itin today's competitive marketplace. And choosing a law firm thatunderstands the needs of small business is essential if you want to geta leg-up on the competition. You expect that your law firm will provideyou with practical solutions and attentive individualized service. Atthe Chicago-based business law firm of the Roth Law Group, that's whatyou get.
At the Roth Law Group, we understand the concerns of small businessowners like you and we have experience working in industries rangingfrom construction to chemical manufacturing. Our lawyers know that youneed to remain focused on business and legal issues often detract fromthis goal. When the Roth Law Group represents you, we concentrate ourefforts on resolving matters efficiently and economically and seek toreach the best business outcome in the least amount of time wheneverpractical. From contract negotiations to commercial litigation, weoffer a full-range of business legal services specifically tailored tomeet your needs.
If your small business is in the market for business legal services inCook County or throughout Illinois, contact the Chicago-based Roth LawGroup for a Free Initial Consultation. We offer practical solutions toyour small business legal challenges at affordable rates.
A Few Representative Matters